🚧 Road Closure: Feb 10-21 🚧 SW 2nd St (Between SW 3rd to SW 4th Ave) closed for underground work. Detour: SW 1st Ave, Broward Blvd and SW 4th Ave. Expect delays.

🚧 Road Closure: Feb 10-21 🚧 SW 2nd St (Between SW 3rd to SW 4th Ave) closed for underground work. Detour: SW 1st Ave, Broward Blvd and SW 4th Ave. Expect delays.

Overnight FAQs

Overnight Adventure FAQs.

Answering Your Questions for Overnights

MODS Makes Your Adventure Easy!

1. What are we doing for the night?
Based on the overnight you are attending, the activities vary. You can see what activities will be done on the itinerary.

2. Where do I go when I arrive?
The information desk at the entrance of the museum or the box office. Most overnights have a check-in time of 6:30 p.m.

3What should and should I not bring? 
Please see the “Overnight Adventure Essentials” flyer.

4. Where should I park my vehicle?
If the overnight is for a private group, the bus loop is available on a first come first serve basis. If the overnight is an open to the public “Family Overnight”, then the parking garage is your best option.

5. What is the parking pass used for?
The parking pass is for use at the bus loop, for the full length of the event. If you are parking at the garage, the parking pass will extend your parking time by an additional hour in the morning to end at 8 a.m.

1. When is dinner?
Dinner is typically at 7 p.m. This may vary based on event.

2. What is for dinner?
Pizza! We order cheese pizza from Las Olas Riverfront Pizzeria. Soda and water will also be provided.

3. Where can we not sleep?
Sleeping is not permitted at the Keller Science Theater (in the back of the To Fly aviation exhibit), Discovery Center, Go Green, Maker Space, traveling exhibit hall (varies), IMAX, bathrooms, walkways, stairwells, in front of emergency exits, and the classrooms and labs.

4. What rides are operating and for how long?
The Mars Rover, and 7-D Simulator are typically the two (2) rides we operate during an overnight. Rides are open for a one-hour period during the night.

5. Will my children need my supervision?
Yes, it is required that your children are being supervised by either the parent or a chaperone at all times during the night.

6. Can I wear flip-flops?
When roaming through the museum, only closed-toed shoes are permitted. Especially when using the escalators. We can only remove our shoes to sleep.

7. Where can food and drink be consumed?
Unless otherwise stated, food and drink can only be consumed in the classrooms where dinner takes place.

8. When should I find my camp-out area?
The sooner the better.

9. When is bedtime?
Lights turn off at 12 a.m.—midnight.

10. Can we roam the museum with the lights off?
No, roaming the museum with the lights off is very dangerous and could lead to injury. Only water/bathroom breaks are permitted.

11. Where can I find a floor plan?
On the back of the guidelines and itinerary sheet you will find the floor plan of the museum.

12. Is there a designated smoking area?
Smoking is not permitted on museum property. Doors are locked at 7pm, if you would like to enter/exit the museum, please arrange for someone in your group to assist you.

13. Can we leave early?
You and your group are free to leave at any time. Please make sure not to leave any personal belongings.

14. What if I need assistance in the middle of the night?
There will be a staff member staying the night. They will inform the group leader of their sleeping location.

1. At what time do the lights turn on?
Lights are back on at 7 a.m.

2. By what time must we exit the museum?
We must be completely free and clear by 8 a.m. latest.

3. Is there breakfast provided?
Unfortunately, we do not provide breakfast.

4. Is our ticket valid for museum admission the next day?
Unfortunately, your admission is only valid for the overnight event—not Museum admission during regular business hours.